11 December, 2001

Champagne the granny way

The appellation champagne is defended tooth and nail by the lawyers of the organisation of the champagne industry, the CIVC. It is easy to understand - for me anyway - that they do not want to share name and glory with sparkling wines from other parts of the world. It is more complicated for my mind to follow for instance their wish to eliminate champagne as the name of a colour.

I should like to know how these interpreters of clauses would react to this charming application of one of the inhabitants of a true Granny's garden.

"If you want to prepare Champagne, you will only have to add two teaspoons of this must and mix it with a bottle of French wine, bottle it and shake it well". (My translation).

The mentioned juice is made of white currant. A berry, I mainly know from old gardens, especially in the white version. Some people think, that champagne is sour dishwater. I wonder if that could be an effect caused by the juice of the currant?

The recipe originates from the "Handbook of the Housewife", 1903. You will find the entire recipe here (is it not typical that it will be in a Norwegian webpage that a thing so inadmissible will turn up?) ;-D

På dansk

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