18 April, 2002

Big leaves in Vertus

In the smalltown of Vertus the first leaves of the vines are big. It is almost an event in itself that they are there at all. Normally they just begin to unfold this time of year. Instead there are now several green leaves, that grows bigger and bigger every day.

"It is completely crazy", says he, who looks after two hectare of vines, owned by our family. The last hectare we deal with ourselves.

The general estimate is, that the growth is three-four weeks earlier than normal, and also that the risk of damaging frost is almost finished now.

Certain parameters, I noticed myself back in January - birds, plants, insects - gave the same hints, so I am not very surprised. It shall be interesting to see if this will mean early grapeharvest as well. The flowering will give the first real hint. That normally takes place in the middle of June. We shall see.

På dansk

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